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Interface ProvidedNumberFieldProps


@since 2.5.0




aria-describedby?: string

Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.



error: boolean

Boolean if the text field should gain the error state and update the colors.

id: string

The id for the text field. This is required for accessibility.

max?: number

An optional max value for the number field.

maxLength?: number
min?: number

An optional min value for the number field.

minLength?: number
onBlur: FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>
onChange: FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>
pattern?: string
required?: boolean
rightChildren?: ReactNode

An optional addon to apply to the right of the text field. This should be a clickable button such as a password field toggle or a reset button for the field.

step?: number

An optional step amount to use.

Note: The min and max values must be divisible by this value when any are defined.

theme?: FormTheme

The current theme type.

type: "number"

Always set the TextField type to number.

value: string

The value to use for the text field. This will make the component controlled and require the onChange prop to be provided as well otherwise this will act as a read only text field.

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